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simple tutorial of using Github for free hosting


simple tutorial of free hosting using github

  1. First and foremost, you need a github account 👤
  2. Onced you’re signed in, create your website’s root repository ▷ click here
  3. In case of unfamiliar with version control and git, the upload files button comes to rescue 💊
  4. cmd+f and type in upload files, hit it to upload all your files ⬆️
  5. cmd+f and type in Settings, hit the settings button 🔧
  6. cmd+f and type in None, change it to master branch and hit save button ✅
  7. Surprisingly, all set! Your site is published at https://<your_github_username><this_repo_name>/ 🌐

Additionally, you may not be happy with the domain name, use a customized domain of your choice


 here is MY site using github free hosting service [△]